Thursday, May 15, 2014

May Julep Maven Review

May's Julep Maven's Collection was called 'Fresh Twist' and included the much talked about Plie Wand. I battled between Boho Glam and Bombshell, ultimately choosing the Boho Glam box. 
The polishes included are Jeanne, "a jet set blue creme" and Paulette, "a golden lilac tulle shimmer".


Paulette w/ the pile wand attachment

And this is what Paulette looks like on. It's gorgeous. I haven't tried Jeanne yet and although I love the color, I have not had luck with their creme polishes. They are generally goopy and take way too long to dry. And the second you think they are dry and touch something…you end up ruining your whole mani.

I really enjoyed the Plie Wand and I did not have high hopes for it. I sat there thinking that if there was truly a way to make applying polish easier than someone would have done it by now. But this wand does work.  I was pretty shocked.

UPDATE: Ended up not canceling Julep. I received a call from their customer service informing me I had been grandfathered into being able to skip any month I want. Woohoo! I had NO idea and I think it was so awesome that they let me know that. Now I feel like I can rest better knowing that I can choose the products that I truly want and can be happy with. That alone makes me much happier with Julep.

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